Exercise 1: Write the hiragana in romaji

Exercise 2: Write these romaji in hiragana characters 

  1. he
  2. ro
  3. chi
  4. wo
  5. so
  6. ni
  7. e
  8. ha
  9. ya
  10. ki
  11. re
  12. su
  13. n
  14. ha
  15. o

Exercise 3: Write these words in romaji

  1. へや
  2. りんご
  3. くつ
  4. さいふ
  5. おちゃ
  6. くるま
  7. けいたい
  8. ぬいぐるみ
  9. じてんしゃ
  10. だいどころ

You can find the answers here