Exercise 1: Write the hiragana in romaji

  1. きゅ
  2. しょ
  3. りゅ
  4. ぴゅ
  5. みゃ

Exercise 2: Write these in hiragana

  1. mu
  2. se
  3. a
  4. mi
  5. yu
  6. ru
  7. n
  8. su
  9. so
  10. ku
  11. ka
  12. chi
  13. i
  14. ki
  15. ta

Exercise 3: Write these words in romaji

  1. どようび
  2. りょこう
  3. ちかてつ
  4. どうやって
  5. はる
  6. こんげつ
  7. はたらく
  8. おまつり
  9. かんごし
  10. おとこのこ

You can find the answers to these exercises here