Onomatopoeia plays a vibrant and integral role in the Japanese language, capturing sounds, sensations, and emotions in a uniquely expressive way. With a vast array of onomatopoeic words, Japan has…
Beginning with Japanese
All the articles for beginners who have just started learning Japanese
Introduction to Japanese Onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia is a fascinating aspect of language that adds depth and vividness to our everyday communication. Derived from the Greek words “onoma” (name) and “poiein” (to…
Most common Katakana words 1-50 Katakana Romaji Meaning アメリカ Amerika America コーヒー kōhī coffee スポーツ supōtsu sports テレビ terebi TV パン pan bread インターネット intānetto internet メール mēru email グラス…
Question Example What is と in English? Check Question What is と in English? Question What is と in English? Question Example What is と in English? Check Question Example…
Learning Japanese can provide numerous advantages, both personal and professional. Here are five key advantages to learning Japanese: In summary, learning Japanese provides access to one of the world’s largest…
Colours in Japanese Colour in Japanese is 色 (いろ) and using colours works a little different in Japanese than in English. In English, you can use all colours in the…
青い (あおい) as a colour is something that is difficult to understand for some. In itself nowadays it represents the colour azure, which is the blue colour of the sky…
Most used colours in Japanese Colour Kanji Hiragana/Katakana Romaji White 白 (しろ) shiro Black 黒 (くろ) kuro Red 赤 (あか) aka Blue (green/azure) 青 (あお)…
The 250 most used Japanese verbs, their conjugation and example sentences on how they are used. Most common Japanese verbs 1-50 Kanji Hiragana Romaji Meaning Link (する) suru To do…