Introduction to に
In this lesson you will learn how to use to particle に. This particle is also called to location particle or time particle because it is often used to indicate a location or refer to a time. に has a few different usages and you will apply it a lot when making Japanese sentences. Some of its functions are:
- To mark a place of existence or
- As a time marker
- As a destination marker
に to refer to a place of existence
When you want to tell somebody about what happened somewhere or when you want to tell where something exists in combination with ある or いる. Some examples:
とうきょう に すんでいます
I live in Tokyo
とうきょう = Tokyo
すんでいます = (To live)
あそこ に とまています
I am staying over there
あそこ = Over there
とまています = Staying somewhere (like in a hotel)
ちかく に いざかや が あります か
Is there an izakaya nearby?
ちかく = Nearby
いざかや = Japanese bar
リアム は さっぽろ に すんでいます
Liam lives in Sapporo
リアム = Liam
さっぽろ = Sapporo
ゴジラ が あそこ に います
Godzilla is over there
ゴジラ = Godzilla
あそこ = Over there
います = To be (for animate objects)
とうきょう に ディズニーリゾート が あります
Disney Resort is in Tokio
ディズニーリゾート = Disney Resort
あります = To be (for inanimate objects)
おてあらい が どこ に あります か
Where is the bathroom?
おてあらい = Toilet, restroom,
どこ = Where
Referring to time with に
So earlier you learned how に can be used to refer to a location but に is also used to bring up a day, month or specific time.
なんじ に いきます か?
What time will you come?
なん = What
じ = Time (hour)
なんようび に きますか
Which day will you come?
なん = What?
ようび = Day
But there is an important rule when using に for time references. You don’t use に when
- You use いつ (when).
- With words like ‘today, yesterday, day after yesterday, etc.’
- With concepts like ‘every day, every night, etc.’
Recap: How to refer to Days and months in Japanese
Going somewhere with に
Like when you are referring to the existence of a location, when you mention the location you or somebody else can use に.
とうきょう に いきます
I’m going to Tokio.
いきます = To go
どこ に いきました か
Where did you go to?
どこ = Where
いきました = To go (past tense)
BTS の コンサート に いきません
I will not go to a BTS-concert
コンサート = Concert
いきません = To not go
So now you know the most important functions of the に-particle you can combine them.
はちじ に ジム に いきます
I will go to the gym at 8 o’clock
はちじ = 8 o’clock
ジム = Gym
Difference between に and へ
The particles に and へ have some overlapping uses and sometimes they can be used interchangeable.
So what you learned above is that に more or less translates to ‘to, on or in’. The へ-particle is used towards a larger direction.
にし へ いきます
I am going west
にし = West